Quick Fix: Alfredo Sauce

Fact: not all alfredo sauce is created equal. Also a fact: alfredo sauce was invented in Rome for American tourists. That must be why we like it so darn much. It's one of those sauces that I get cravings for... but if you have ever tried to make your own at home, you have found the taste a little lack luster. This happened to me until I cracked the Da Vinci code of alfredo sauce: egg yolk.

You must trust me on this... it's the surefire way to get the best alfredo sauce you will ever have at home. Or in a restaurant. Or the world. Or in your local space cafe. 

The three main ingredients: egg yolks, parmesan cheese and heavy cream. Ah, life is good, especially when there is cream involved! 

To start, melt butter in a pan and add your garlic to it. YUM. Garlic is the center of my little Italian-American universe. 

Melt until the butter starts to bubble a bit. When that happens, reduce your heat to medium.... 

And add your cream! Cook it, stirring, for about 3 minutes. 

Using a whisk (and this is important) add your egg yolks and whisk it constantly until it is fully combined into the cream. 

The whisking is important because you don't want the yolk to hit the heavy cream and cook on the spot, you want it to be incorporated into a smooth sauce. But check out that sauce. Wanna make it EVEN better? I thought so.... 

Add your parmesan cheese, give her a stir, add a little pepper and: 

HOLY ALFREDO! You are a master of the 'fredo universe! 

Thank you, alfredo gods, that was JUST what I wanted to have for dinner! 

Now wasn't that easy?

Quick Fix Alfredo Sauce

Serves 2 | Time: 10 glorious minutes | Difficulty: Medium 

You Will Need:

1 cup of heavy cream 
3 tablespoons butter
2 egg yolks, beaten 
1 clove garlic, minced 
1/2 cup parmesan cheese
Pepper to taste 


Over medium high heat, place butter and garlic in pan. When the butter starts to bubble, reduce the heat to medium and add the cream. 

Allow the cream to come up to a "bubble"--you don't want it rapid boiling or anything like that. Stir and cook for about 3 minutes. 

Using a whisk, add the egg yolks to the cream, being sure to whisk vigorously while adding the yolks. Do this until they are fully combined, about 1 minute. 

Add parmesan cheese and pepper, stir and remove from heat. 

Serve over pasta! YUM! 


  1. This is EXACTLY what Mama needs tonight!


    Sassy Irish Wife;-)

  2. You're the only person on the Internet that really understands that yes you need to incorporate egg yolks for this sauce to be authentic. I use a variant of this for pasta primavera.

  3. Does the alfredo sauce color come out yellow or is that just the lighting?please respond quickly.

  4. This recipe is magic! I have been using it for a quite a long time, I want to say years but I don't know how long it has been up. This is my go to when time is short and everyone is starving. It is the, you are sad? Come over and I will fix you food and we can talk meal. The sauce is good enough to make celiac friendly noodles good, for my poor baby who can't eat wheat.
    Thank you Bossy Italian Wife!

  5. Great share, thanks for writing this
