
Quick Fix: Open Faced Pork Sandwich

I make pork chops a lot and there always seems to be an extra chop or two hanging around. The same is true when I make a roast--there is always some leftovers. The one thing I have a hard time abiding is wasted food. I don't like it, not one bit.

So, to avoid the wasted, not to mention delicious, meat, I made up this simple open faced sandwich that really hits the spot for lunch. Let's face it, if you are going to cook the meat, don't let it go to waste! Easily made for one or two, this makes a happy hot lunch on a cooler day. These flavors just speak to me.

Join me, friends, in an ode to open faced sandwiches...because they are a thing of wonder. It's like a whole sandwich with twice the filling. It's like two, for the price of one! It's like the heavens opened and from them sprung two sandwiches! Okay, was that going too far?

Let's just call it a fast lunch and we'll be in agreement.

On a small pan, (I use a stone) place two pieces of bread. It can be any type of bread. Here I have some split top wheat, which is yummy and soft. 

I like to put some mayo on my bread. I like mayo and I wont' apologize for it, but if you find yourself less enthused about it, that's okay! You can use mustard, or ranch dressing or nothing at all. 

Left over pork chops from dinner. With mushrooms--my favorite!! 

It doesn't much matter if you have a lot or a little--it's about "making it work" (in the words of Tim Gunn). 

Just cut it up into nice little pieces... 

Distribute it evenly onto your slices of bread. Also, if you wanted to add onions or banana peppers or anything else you fancy to this sandwich, now would be the time. 

And top with a couple pieces of cheese. I divided these pieces of cheese into two and laid them on the meat. 

Mmmm...mmmmm....looking good! 

I'm gonna pop this in the LO Broil for 10-12 minutes. 
LO Broil is my favorite oven function. So I encourage you to give it a whirl if you haven't before. It's an open faced sandwich's best friend! 

THIS is what comes out! Looks great, right?!!?! Who can argue with this delectable sandwich?! I couldn't...but mostly because I was too busy eating at a furious pace! 

I just wanted to take you closer to behold the crusty, melty yummy goodness of it all. 

Yep, that's a good lunch that uses leftovers, making you the queen of "waste not, want not." And that's a good feeling!!! 

Open Faced Pork Sandwich 

Time: 15 minutes, tops | Serves: 1 (easily doubled) | Difficulty: Easy! 

You Will Need:

Two pieces of bread, your choice
Leftover pork, beef, or other cut of meat
Mayonnaise (for spreading)
2 slices of cheese (I used cheddar)


On a oven-worthy pan lay out two pieces of bread.

Spread with mayonnaise.

Take your leftover meat and cut into bite-sized pieces. Distribute the meat onto the bread evenly.

Top with a couple pieces of cheese (one on each piece of bread.) I like to half mine, but whatever works for your personal taste.

Place the open-faced sandwich in the oven on a LO Broil for 10-12 minutes or until cheese is melted and getting slightly browned on top (see photo, above).

Serve with a pickle and a smile!


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