
Holy Christmas Cookies, Batman!

Don't be misled. This post has nothing to do with Batman. But I felt like I needed to get the seriousness of the post and the awesomeness of the cookies across by using Batman's name.

Let's take a moment to discuss my holiday spirit--it's abounding. I hope you find it contagious. As part of said affliction, I have been scanning Pinterest for awesome Christmas cookies to bake. In my search, I found these. I mean, I sort of feel like they baited me. It's red velvet for gosh sakes!

Anything with the words "red velvet" catches my attention... but these also said, "white chocolate." I died a little -- the sweet kind of death --when I heard these phrases together and I knew I had to have them for my own. I was so excited. Not only was this recipe totally and utterly awesome, but they were devoured in record time as well... which of course means that I will be making more.

I only made one change to the recipe and that was that I used 1/2 cup of brown sugar in place of the white sugar. And it wasn't 'cause I was being all like, "oooo let me change this recipe" it was more because I ran out of white sugar.

This was the point at which I started taking pictures. So, the secret to making these cookies look super fly, (besides the red food coloring of course) is mixing some of the chips into the batter and then PLACING the chips in the top of the individually rolled cookies. 

Once they started coming out of the oven, my friend Paul started testing them for me. He really loved them. He was incredulous that I wasn't tasting them straight out of the oven. That was when I had to explain to him that I had eaten a ton of the dough. I have an addiction to cookie dough.

I did try a cookie, though, hot and chewy right out of the oven, and it was like eating a red velvet piece of Christmas heaven. (I would like to specify that Christmas heaven is different from regular heaven in that everything is red, green or white and really wintery.)

Seriously?! How good do these cookies look?!?! 

Not only do they practically SCREAM CHRISTMAS, but they were soooo yummy and perfect that I couldn't contain myself. (Which means we scarfed these suckers down.) 

Just one more look. Note: Christmas themed plate. Every house needs at least one. 

On a serious note, you need to make these cookies. CLICK HERE to get the awesome recipe. 

1 comment:

  1. Remember the little soccer ball droid that rolled around the Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer? If you haven't heard, the official name for the droid is BB-8. He (or she) captured my eye because hello, it was adorable. There has been piles of fan art featuring the droid, and someone posted an image of a handmade BB-8 Christmas ornament on Imgur. Look:
