
I Have [Breakfast] Issues

Breakfast. The most important meal of the day. Or is it? If it's the most important, how come I keep skipping it and not feeling bad about it? It's like everyday I wake up and I'm thinking to myself, "Today will be the day--the day I start magically wanting to eat breakfast like everyone in the commercials." And each day, that is not the case.

I drink my coffee, I start my work, ad the next thing I know, I'm like, "HEY! It's eleven o'clock--lunch time!" Now, I'm not going to lie, there are some days when 10:30 rolls around and my tummy is growling...but as far as I am concerned, there is no limit on when lunch can I heat up some pasta and throw in some arugula and call it lunch.

There have, of course, been periods when I have tried harder with moderate success to eat breakfast. Sometimes I meet I cereal I lust after and we have a quick fling...but when the box runneth empty, so does my will to keep the breakfast fire burning and I abandon my effort. I also tend to do well on mornings when I work out because I know I need fuel for working out.... so I eat dry cereal or granola bars while I sip my coffee.

But in general, as in "life," I just can't seem to get over the breakfast hump. I want to--really I do... but it seems like all the breakfast foods are sweet and the ones that aren't sweet are milky, and I don't like milk. If they aren't either of those things they probably involve cheese and eggs, and I love both cheese and eggs, but as a daily habit, well, the proposition seems plumping. And then there is the fact that I just don't want to put fourth that much effort in the morning. I just want to do what I want, which, is apparently not eating breakfast.

I have to get over this. It's breakfast, not jumping off the side of a really tall building! And the fact of the matter is that I love this should be easy. So I am resolved. Or I will be. Or I will try to be. Some form of any of that. I'm going to try harder to eat breakfast. I have a feeling this is going to take a little more planning on my part.

Which means I am going to need your help. Help a sister out, y'all. Leave me your favorite breakfast food, good advice on eating breakfast consistently, or just some words of encouragement in the comments section below. Let's have breakfast together. 


  1. Have you tried oatmeal? You can prepare a batch that'll last you a week (and you can even do it in the slow cooker!!). And each day, you can add sweet OR savory things to your yummy breakfast food! I usually stick with a homemade "Egg McMuffin"...which is just scrambled, microwaved egg on an english muffin or bagel thin with a piece of cheese.

    1. You know, I never considered adding savory stuff to my oatmeal--but that is a GREAT suggestion!!!! I also found a recipe for homemade english muffins, so I may try it!

  2. I have started drinking a GNC protein shake that is already prepared ( kind of like SlimFast). I find it is easy to pull it out of the fridge and go because I don't have time in the morning to make something. I find that the chocolate flavor also helps me control my chocolate craving later in the day. It's a little more expensive than others but it keeps me full for about 5 hours so it works for me!! Good luck!

    1. Shakes appeal to me, but I am not a huge chocolate fan....but that's got my brain ticking on the smoothie front! I do like smoothies, and especially in the summer when the weather is warm and more fruit is in season. Do you ever add fruit to your shakes?

  3. I have some easy go-to's. 1) sautéed chard and or kale in olive oil and sea salt topped with an overeasy egg. 2) smoothie: frozen fruit (I generally use frz mango/pineapple) almond butter, flax milk (or whatever), honey/agave, and whatever else I choose to throw in. Cinnamon etc... Both are really easy, quick, and more importantly delicious!

    1. YUM! Those sound great! I love over easy eggs, and they are good for when I have just a tad more time in my morning :)

  4. I get woozy if I don't eat breakfast. I used to eat cereal but needed a snack before lunch because it didn't hold me very long ... until Ogre taught me how to make over-medium eggs. Now I happily devour an Egg SiMuffin (our healthier version of an Egg McMuffin) almost every morning. :D

    1. See, I always want to eat about 11:30--and it doesn't seem to matter if I have breakfast or not. So sometimes that might be why I am skipping straight to lunch. It also depends on coffee intake. I'm not much of a coffee gal, but if I am having a more relaxed morning, I may drink a whole cup. Then I'm not as hungry... such a science this breakfast stuff!

  5. Heh heh, I eat at least 2, sometimes 3 breakfasts! :-) I think growing a tiny human being entitles me to eat like a hobbit - first breakfast, second breakfast, elevensies... then lunch. Somewhere in there is always a PB&J or PB&B(banana). Super fast, easy, healthy - all that.

    1. You know, I never considered a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for breakfast, but you know, that is a FAB idea!!! And I agree--being pregnant is a great way to justify extra breakfasts!!! <3
