Chicken Coop Preview + Giveaway Winner!

I am really super extra excited because this spring my husband and I are fulfilling a small dream of ours by getting chickens!!! They are coming in April and so we've been preparing. By "we" I mean to say that my husband has been toiling tirelessly on my behalf. What can I say? This guy makes my dreams possible and for that I am really grateful.

When he had a week off in between his blocks at school, he got down to business on our chicken coop and run! We found this really nice coop in craigslist for a STEAL and as for the rest, well, I hate to brag but we are some crafty mo-fos. We cashed in credit points for Home Depot gift cards to get the materials.

So my husband has been hard at work getting everything ready for our chickens. I also have to mention that my father-on-law has been a huge help as well, and I therefore have to thank my mother-in-law because she's got a lot of work that needs done around her house, and that may have gone to the wayside in the name of our new chickens. We have some really special names picked out for our small flock of 10, but you'll have to wait to hear about that. For now, here's a little preview of what we have going on at the farm!!!

Check it out! My husband set the house on blocks, which is so that vermin can't live under it. I know that sounds gross, but it's a fact of life. 

It's got the window on the left and the bigger human door on the right. 

Of course, we have to lay the bedding in and treasure this moment because it'll probably never look this clean again. 

These are the laying boxes. There are three and this is the door I will open to get the eggs out. 

Here's my husband working hard to put the wire roof on. 
We went with a roof as well as sides because I hear raccoons can be crafty and we didn't want them hopping in the cage and stealing our chickens! 
My husband calls it a "chicken jail cell" which, personally, I don't care for. People in jails aren't happy and our chickens are going to be exceedingly happy. 

Looks good, yea? 

Get it babe! I'm just here to take your picture and brag about you...don't mind me. 

Bre says: "I'm not impressed, Mom...throw my ball?" 

Also, there is the bit of business of announcing the winner of my mustard giveaway!!!!!



Kristin Sinnott & Rachel Wang

Congrats Ladies!!!! 

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