We Need To Talk: Birth Control & Anxiety

It came on like a rushing wave; at 23 years old I was experiencing my first anxiety attack and it was of epic proportions. My knees were knocking, my body was shaking, and I felt sick to my stomach. God love me, I thought I had a hangover which was funny because I had only had a couple of drinks the night before....

After that first attack, the feeling of anxiety kept coming back--furiously--and without warning. One minute I would be enjoying myself and the next I was overcome with hot flashes and then came the sickness in my stomach, the wonky room feeling and all the rest. The panic was palpable and I began to fear the fear itself.

For years, I struggled with the betrayal of my own mind and body...which is what anxiety basically feels like. Sometimes there was a reason for an attack--stress being the biggest one. Other times there seemed to be no rhyme or reason for the panic at all. It was an unpredictable beast.

Being the problem solver that I was, I began to tackle the issue head on. Therapy and close work with my doctors taught me how to manage my anxiety, but it was just that--management--and it wasn't being solved. This was never more evident than when life was practically devoid of stress, and yet, I was still having panic attacks.

Over the years, my doctors had "stepped" down the amount of estrogen in my birth control. It was never talked about in conjunction with my anxiety, but all at once, like a light bulb turning on, I realized something funny about the stepping down that had occurred. Each time they lessened the amount of hormones I was talking in my birth control, I would be fine for a few months (free of anxiety) and then, once my body adjusted to the new birth control--BAM!-- anxiety would rear it's ugly head again.

Armed with new knowledge I went to my OB/GYN and told him I needed to get off of birth control. I was sure, I told him, that it was the cause of my anxiety. This was how the conversation went:
Him, "You wanna get pregnant?"
Me, "No, but--"
Him, "Then stay on the birth control. See you in six months!"

I was shocked. I made an appointment with my primary care physician and broke down hardcore in his office. I was crying, telling him I knew it was my birth control and explained to him what happened with my OB/GYN. My doctor looked me in the eyes and said, "This ends today. Don't take anymore of that birth control." Essentially, he gave me permission to stop taking the pill.

It has been almost a year and a half since I got off the pill (which I was on for 12 years). I am happy to report that I have been virtually anxiety free since then, and contrary to what my OB/GYN had said, I am not pregnant and have no plans to become pregnant in the near future. (They have these things called condoms--they tend to work.)

While I am not advocating every woman go out and ditch her birth control, what isn't being discussed is the link between the hormones in birth control and panic attacks. I know this to be true because since I have been off of birth control, I've been talking to a lot of women who have been experiencing the same symptoms as me. None of their doctors have brought up the link between birth control and anxiety.

So, tell me, are you are birth control? Have you experienced bad side effects as a result of longterm use on birth control. I want to talk about this with my readers and I hope that women looking for answers will be able to benefit from a healthy discussion. Don't be shy--share your experiences in the comment section below! 


  1. I hate birth control. I was only on it for 3 months cause I got that free sample from the clinic and I decided not to get anymore. I was bleeding for days on end and it really made me sick: dizzy, exhausted, I got terrible acne even though I never had that problem before. Plus, I didn't really wanna have sex so what was the point?

    What shocks me about you writing this is why do you need permission to go off birth control? It's like you had to go beg your OB/GYN to let you go off it... Seriously, if you don't wanna take it, you don't have to. It's not a medication you really need like for high blood pressure or heart disease or something serious. Condoms are not that bad and not hard to use lol. I don't get why people worry so much about being on the pill.
    I'm happy you figured out how to stop your anxiety. Anxiety is a terrible feeling, especially considering how life is stressful enough these days.

    1. All true Julia! Thanks so much for sharing.

      While I certainly believe that the pill works really well for some women, it's not a one-size-fits-all type of prevention. And also, I want people (women) to know that just because something worked for them in the past doesn't mean it'll continue to work for them.

      And you can believe that I switched practitioners after that experience!

    2. I want to use this golden medium to appreciate Dr.Bola a great spell caster for helping me retrieving back my relationship with my ex boyfriend when he ended and turned back on me for quite a long time now.I embarked on a search online for a solution to my problem because i love him so much that i will not let anyone to take him out of my life,luckily for me i met dr Bola who performed a spell for me and within 48 hours after the spell had been cast I receive a text from my ex saying that he is sorry for the pains and tears that he had caused me and that he will not do such thing to me again in his life. I was surprised but later accepted him back again. Anyone that is in the same line of problem or different one that want to contact a spell caster should happily email him: drbolaspellcaster@hotmail.com or Call him through his mobile number +2348059723809,I am so happy Using this post to say a big thank you and to also encourage people to contact Dr.Bola for help his email:drbolaspellcaster@gmail.com

  2. There are tons of other options for birth control aside from the pill. I also had a lot of issues with the pill (I took it for acne) and I had MAD mood swings.. I knew something wasn't right so I just stopped it.

    I've been taking depo-provera shots now for almost 3 years and I've had no problems with it. I heard some people have problem with weight gain but I was already heavy-set to begin with. Its a shot every 3 months and it slows down your menstrual flow. I already had a light flow to begin with so essentially I haven't had a a period in 3 years, which is really great! I don't have to worry about staining anything I wear anymore :)

    I'd suggest you try different kinds of birth control to see which one you like the best. My partner and I really like the depo because it allows us to be spontaneous and to not have to worry about getting pregnant.

    1. Thanks for your comment, and yes, many different types of birth control are now available and different things work for different people. I am so glad you've found one that works for you, and as you see, it can be a bit of trial and error.

      I was on Depo for about a year (when I was 18) and it was, by far and away, the worst birth control I experienced. My mom and then-boyfriend (now husband) coined the term "depo'd out" for my crazy mood swings. Let's just say we're lucky I still have friends after that episode!!! Haha

      As far as the pill is concerned, I tried the gamut from Yaz to Orthotricyclen, to Lo Lo Estrin and throwback versions of the 60's birth control pills. They don't agree with me. And that's my biggest point: it's important to keep in mind that for some people hormonal birth control just doesn't work.

      Because I formerly believed that to be a good feminist you had to be on the pill--you know, embrace your right to take birth control--I had a very hard time coming off of it...mentally it was a hurdle. And I think that happens with a lot of women.

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  3. I've never had much issues with anxiety and BC. I have had to switch pills occasionally due to normal chemical changes that happen as you get older. Without BC, I'd be a mess. It's so horrendously painful the first few days I'd have to call out of work once a month. I now take the 4 cycles per year type of pill and while my off-cycles are a little more emotional than when I was getting 12 per year, it's still LEAPS and BOUNDS better than when I wasn't on BC. I wish I could just need the pill for preventing pregnancy, but the whole reason I got on the pill in the first place was to stop having to deal with crippling pain.

    1. This is why I love having these types of conversations with other women: while something might be not so great for me, you have had the opposite experience. And it's an important point as well... there are many women who benefit from being on the pill in more ways than one!!

      Thanks for sharing Krissie!

  4. Less is more !!! Free from chemicals

  5. I was on birth control a long time ago. But taking hormones wasn't for me, either.

    I was lucky enough to get an IUD from the local planned parenthood back in the summer of 2007. It is one of the only non-hormonal forms of birth control out there - its a piece of copper that irritates the uterus from getting fertilized. Its easy as pie because I don't have to do anything at all. When I do decide I want children, its easily removed.

    The only downside is that my period cramps are worse than before. Supposedly, women who have been pregnant before do not have this issue. I know cramps vary from woman to woman, but I have never been pregnant. It works!

    1. I have definitely considered the IUD as a means of birth control, but at the time, my OB GYN flat our refused to give it to me because I haven't had a child...which I found strange. Since I switched to no birth control, though, I feel like I am managing very well so I haven't thought about it any further.

      However, I think it's a great option for a lot of women!

    2. hi :) i have been on the birth control pill for about 3 yrs. About a year into first taking da pill.. i started getting anxiety attacks they came out of no were.. i came across ur post and i decided to give it a try and leave them its been only 4 days so i know its too soon to tell but i started a period u can say yesterday which was day 3 and i dont fell good..well every month 2 weeks befor my period my anxiety would get worse.. maybe thats why i dont feel so good now.. ill keep u posted :)

  6. Thank you so much for posting this. I started taking LoEstrin 6 weeks ago after getting the OK from my Dr. to start back on the pill. (Just had baby #3 back in April.) I assumed since I had taken low dose BC in the past I would be fine. (I've also done the Nuva ring and patch and never had any negative side effects, ever!) All I can say is that the last month literally has been the worst month of my entire life. I started gradually getting more and more anxious. I would shake, sweat, get horribly dizzy, feel as though I was going to vomit and get floored by paranoia at the drop of a hat. It felt like my entire world was crashing down on me and I was forced to leave work more than once as a result. One episode lasted an entire day and I felt as though I was starting to questioning my sanity. I kept taking the pill in hopes that it would balance out and I would start to feel better. Boy was I wrong. I started researching anxiety/panic disorders in relation to BC and was shocked by the testimonials I read from other women. Anyone who knows me know that I have an enormous tolerance for high stress. I absolutely have never had an issue with anxiety until now but apparently I'm not the only one. I immediately called my Dr to explain what was happening. She acted as though it was totally impossible that the symptoms were related to the pill especially since its such a low dose. Needless to say I threw them in the trash and will NEVER take them again. I stopped taking them on Sunday (today is Wednesday) and although I'm still getting episodes here and there, they are definitely improving. Less severe and for shorter periods of time. I also started taking a vitamin B complex because its supposed to help balance out the hormones. Everyone is unique. What works for one person could wreak havoc on the next. I for one cannot wait to be 100% myself again. I wouldn't wish this experience on Satan himself.

    1. Thank Meagan, for your comment! It's astounding to me how doctors are willing to write off legitimate complaints. I am glad you got to the bottom of it!!!! Vitamin B complex is great for you. I agree with you fully, anxiety is a horrible experience and one that I NEVER wish to revisit!

    2. Any idea how long it'll take for the hormones to level out? I've been off of them for approx 1 week and although the episodes have gotten better, I still get little anxiety spells here and there. So many women have posted about their similar symptoms but hardly anyone posts about the aftermath.

    3. For me, it took about a week for me to feel normal. I crashed hardcore and slept for about three days first, though. As far as the anxiety was concerned, the really bad panic went away but it took a few months for things to be totally normal again.

      And you are right: no one talks about it, and doctors try and pretend it doesn't happen because, let's face it, they want us on medicine like birth control.

    4. The last three days were the best ones I've had in a while. I was getting pretty bad night sweats, daytime hot flashes and my emotions were kind of whacky for a couple of days but it was nice to actually feel my bodys chemistry shifting. Its been a week and a half and what a difference!

    5. Megan, I would like to know how are you doing now?

    6. I just can't convey how relieving it is to find these testimonials.

      Meagan - I had a similar experience to yours. I very recently started on BC to address acne and PMS. After about three days, I started feeling increased anxiety to the point of panic. In the interest of full disclosure, I'm inclined toward anxiety in general but definitely not to the degree of panic attacks with physical panic symptoms. I mean, I'm talking everything in overdrive, feeling scared, queasy, racing heart, etc. After doing the same thing as you, trying to muscle it out, hoping things would level, I called my doctor and explained my symptoms. Thankfully, she recommended I come off the pill.
      It's been only a little over one full day since I took my last pill but I'm still having symptoms. It does make me feel better to see that you guys are saying it takes about a week or so to feel normal again. I just assumed it would resolve more quickly for me since I was only taking the pill for a little over a week. Thoughts?

    7. Hi Brooke. Thanks so much for your comment. I do hope you start to feel better soon!! I would give a week or even a bit longer and TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOURSELF! That is very important. There are lots of other alternatives to traditional birth control, so explore those options as well.

  7. i started birth control 2 months ago, this past 2 weeks ive been feeling terrible anxiety. I have never suffered from anxiety before, I didnt understand why I was having all this symptoms(over thinking, nervous, cant sleep, shaking). So I did some research and found out about the connection of birth controls and anxiety. Ive been off the pill for 4 days. I went to the doctor today and told him about me getting off the pill and he said it is a good idea to stop at least for this month. Im worried because this 4 days I havent had a lot of changes with the anxiety and I was wondering how long will it take to make the anxiety go away?

    1. Sapir, it does take a bit for the anxiety to die down. There is also the fact that anxiety begets anxiety. In layman's terms: you become afraid of having panic, so you panic. The best advice that I can give in the situation is to take good care of yourself. Take baths, relax, and eat well. If the anxiety doesn't pass within a month, then I would certainly seek additional help. You should start to feel better within a week or two, and the symptoms should ease up.

      Thanks for sharing your story. I hope that it helps others going through the same thing!

  8. Hello! I am happy to find women sharing their experiences. It gives me a sigh of relief to know that women are doing what their bodies are telling them to. I have been on birth control for eight years. Recently, I decided to go off. However, it has been mentally hard. This is because my mood does improve on birth control, but my anxiety increases in to panic attacks. I went off for a month, then sadly became desperate with mood swings and went back on them. At the end of the day, the anxiety is not worth it! In the mean time I have found herbs that are a great help! Tribulus, Maca and vitamins and minerals. Does anyone else have the experience of a little depression when coming off? Does the body get back to normal?

  9. My hubby and I have two kids- 11 and 6. I started on the Mirena IUD after my daughter was born. Almost a year to the day later, I had it removed. Sudden weight gain, ovarian cysts, and although the commercials talk about the lighter periods, I had not a single period at all in that year. We did decide to try one last time, one more child. Since Mirena, I've been unable to conceive. My OB/GYN no longer uses Mirena on their patients. I just wish they'd quit using them before I did... 5 years down the road and it seems another baby is out of the question for us. I seriously urge women now to ask about ALL possible side effects with birth control- not just the warnings they give you. Just because a side effect is unlikely doesn't mean it never happens. Infertility from Mirena isn't common, but it's not rare. I wish I'd known that the IUD I used to postpone another pregnancy would basically ensure that there would be no pregnancies again when we decided we were ready.

  10. Thanks for this post...I struggle with anxiety and have often wondered if the pill correlates, I've had it for years and when it started is around the same time I started the pill. I had tried going off the pill a few years back but did find much help, but there was a LOT of situational factors in my life back then that could have caused anxiety. I am now going off the pill again and hope to have a similar positive experience. Thanks.

    1. I hoep your experience in going off the pill is a good one. I found it to be a hard decision to go off the pill, even asking myself silly questions like "Does this make me a bad feminist?!" But it's personal for everyone and there is no "right" answer. Keep us updated on how it went for you!

  11. it is soooooo relieving to find things like this post!! thank you ladies for sharing your experiences. i was prescribed ortho tri cyclen but was given the generic form (TriNessa) and had only been taking it for 3.5 weeks when I felt my first wave of anxiety kick in. also, this was the first BC i'd ever been on (i'm 24 years old). i did some research on why i was feeling so anxious suddenly and saw LOADS of testimonies from women having anxiety and depression on the pill and even after stopping the pill. i stopped taking the pill that very day (which is now about 6 days ago). ever since stopping the pill, i have had EXTREME anxiety (constant state of feeling nervous for no reason, super emotional...can't even look at my very dear boyfriend without crying, crying..i'm sorry, more like SOBBING for a solid 3 hours at a time, no appetite, wanting to sleep for hours on end during the day, missing work, you name it! on day 3 of this episode i went to an urgent care who ran all sorts of tests (not pregnant, woohoo!) and found that i'm perfectly healthy, but thought it could definitely just be my body adjusting to all the hormonal changes. he thought within 48 hours it would go away. well, here we were 48 hours later and i was still a mess, if not worse. i went to my primary care doctor who gave me an extremely low dosage of an anti-anxiety med and i was told to take one per day until i felt like i could take it as needed. she also felt it was related to hormones and only gave me the anti anxiety pills to get me through until my body adjusts and gets back to normal. today is day 6 and while i'm still feeling it, i do feel SLIGHTLY better. i am going to take this day by day, and hopefully it just ends up disappearing like it has for many of you. i am thinking of trying a b-complex as well because hey, it can't hurt right?
    again thank you ladies for these posts, it is soooo helpful to know you're not alone in this!

    1. I think vitamins with B complex are a great idea...maybe even consider a multivitamin. I used to take a calming blend of vitamins when I was on the pill, but it is hard to say whether or not it worked out for me because I was SO anxious all the time. Taking it day by day is the smartest thing that you can do for yourself, and keep in mind that everyone's bodies are unique so while it may take one woman a week, you may need a little longer to get back to normal!

  12. Hello! I have a bit of a story to share.

    So I recently suddenly stopped taking birth control because it wasn't helping any of the horrible symptoms I get from my period (which is a primary reason why I was taking it) so I took the last pill I had and then decided to go to the doctor and see if I could try a different type that perhaps would help. However, life sort of happened and I couldn't get to the doctor that soon. It's been over a month now, and I still haven't had the chance to go.
    Now recently, I've been having anxiety attacks and depression. I started believing this was due somehow to my relationship. I started questioning my relationship: should I break up with my boyfriend? Do I love him anymore? What am I doing? Yet, you must know, my boyfriend is perfect in every way. Our relationship could not be more fairytale like and we are both so blessed, so there is no reason at ALL why I should be having these thoughts so suddenly.
    I brought all of these troubles up to him and although he understands that perhaps I just needed space to think and breathe, I know he's sad. And I am too, very sad, because I don't want to screw it up, don't want to lose him. I love him so much. But for some reason, I couldn't knock these crazy anxiety attacks and depression.
    Then I stumbled across these articles. It never occurred to me that my sudden cut off of birth control may be causing these sudden moods that come from nowhere, yet it makes perfect sense. And I have to say, I fully believe it is the cause, because nothing else makes any sense.

    1. Julia, my story is the one posted right above yours. Your story is nearly identical to mine and I have to tell you I was having the SAME thoughts about my boyfriend too! and he is perfect in every way as well, and we could not possibly be any more in love than we are. i was desperate to find a story similar to mine because i felt TERRIBLE for thinking the way i did! My heart breaks for you because i know exactly how you're feeling/thinking!! i promise you, THIS IS YOUR HORMONES! if you read my story you'll see i was an absolute wreck and this went on for probably 6 days. but in the past two days, i started feeling much better and now feel completely back to my normal self, and am more in love with my boyfriend than ever before for sticking through the most horrific 6 days of my life with me! you WILL get better!! i have read countless articles and forums and it seems like every woman is just different and although i only took a week to feel better (thank GOD), i've read it takes others longer, which is ok. it's just your body adjusting. the first day i went back to the gym to work out i immediately felt better, and have been on the upswing since then. keep yourself insanely hydrated, work out, take a b complex vitamin and magnesium, just take really good care of yourself. i did go to my doctor and she did give me .5mg of an anxiety med to take the edge off until this all passed, but i dont even need them anymore. i promise, it has nothing to do with your boyfriend and your hormones are just all out of whack. it WILL end!! reply back to me if you have any questions or just need to talk it out!

    2. Isn't it funny how we sometimes take things out on those we love?! I know exactly what both of you are talking about and I'm sorry to say, I can sometimes be guilty of the same thing! These hormones added to the mix can make it even more cumbersome to decipher what is going on. HANG IN THERE!!!! Our bodies have a miraculous capacity to bounce back even after years of being on the pill (as was the case with me.)

      Give yourself time to get back to normal and if you need a small dose of anti anxiety medication that is OK. I took that same .5mg dose as you Alyssa, and wasn't on it for very long until I was able to get off of it!

    3. i would definitely recommend the small dose of anxiety medication. i was taking that for 5 days and felt like a whole new person so i stopped taking them thinking it was my own body going back to normal, but after 2 days i felt the anxiety coming back so i immediately went back to one pill a day, and now, day 3 of beign back on them, i'm feeling myself again. it might just be that my hormones are still whacky, OR i very well could have an underlying anxiety issue as that does run in my family, and perhaps the BCP just catapulted it. who knows! all i know is for now the small dose of anxiety meds definitely help and we will see what my doctor has to say in another month when i go follow up with her. oh ladies...our bodies are crazy aren't they?

    4. Billie, how long did you take your anxiety meds for if you don't mind me asking?

    5. I would say I was probably on medication for about a year or so, on and off. I am a stubborn son of a gun, so I wanted to "tame the beast" without medicating as much as possible. So I generally only took it when things were really out of control....which, incidentally, isn't the best way to do it!!!

    6. How funny is this. Just wondering if this would make any sense to anyone: Have been on Diane 35 for acne for a little over a year. Took a round of antibiotics late November and just after the antibiotics I had my first blown panic attack and also put importance/questioning/doubt on my new, ever so wonderful boyfriend. Ever since then I have been nervous about our relationship, as well, putting far too much emphasis on us when 12 hours prior to my attack I looked like a puppy in love. Doctors say they don't know whether it was in fact the antibiotics, or whether it could be the pill finally catching up to me. I hate that it makes me question things that I was previously so happy with and makes me feel nervous in every aspect of my life. Sound familiar or am I just causing this myself? Any reply would be great thanks:)

    7. Billie, Thank you so much for your post.

      I have been taking the pill for probably 12 years now. I am 27, almost two years ago I moved countries and 6 months or so ago I had to get a new prescription for the pill. I was told it was exactly the same as what I was originally taking from home and it appears to be.

      However since taking it, I have had my first ever panic attacks. I would say I have had maybe 4 or 5 over the time I have been on it. One I even ended up in the ER because I didn't know what else to do. I am on and off quite anxious and have horrible racing thoughts that just stew and stew with me. Things from the past, that a logical mind would know is not worth worrying about. I am good for a few days and then BAM its back again. Then it seems to be worse around the time of my period.

      Today I woke up very sad that the night before I once again found myself stressing out over things that don't matter.

      I had to leave work early and go to the clinic as I needed to do something, as I find i get worse around the time when I take the first two sugar pills. The doctor told me I should take a pill with a higher oestrogen. I told him I was nervous about changing and left it at that.

      After lots of googling, I stumbled across so many others having anxiety and panic attack issues related to birth control.

      I have made my decision to stop taking it, after I put the two and two together that these things have only been happening since I started taking this "new" pill. I have always been a worrier but never to the point of it making me sick and have some history with depression.

      I am so very grateful to have read your post and all the other replies.

      I am somewhat nervous about stopping, and pray it doesn't get any worse. I am very nervous of it.

      I just hope that the pill is the reason I have been feeling this way.

      I just want to feel normal again.

    8. I am feeling just like you. And after time have noticed that often before my period is when I feel like this. I would love to hear how you felt after coming off your pill?

  13. I'm so glad to have read this. I was put on BC at age 11 to iron out some serious issues I was having with my cycle. I constantly battled with anxiety and panic attacks. I was medicated for my anxiety and it was chalked up to adolescents. In February of 2012 at 20 years old I decided to take the leap off of birth control to try to start a family with my new husband. I also stopped the anxiety medication knowing that would not be good for a fetus were I to get pregnant. While off of everything I had little to no problems at all when it cane to my moods or anxiety. The hardest time I had with it was when my periods went back to the way the were many years ago and my OB/GYN told me not to expect to get pregnant..fast forward to present day I now have a three month old son and have been put back on BC and are having extreme anxiety all over again. Until now I never saw the relation between the two. I've talked to my Dr and he seems to think that possibly doing a thermal oblation and stopping the birth control would be best for me..fromthe research iI have done that seems to be more of an alternative to a hysterectomy. But my Dr feels that shouldn't be a concern because he feels my pregnancy was a fluke and it won't happen again. I feel at a loss. All I knew was birth control haha and I would like to stay away from possibly sterilizing myself. I know longer know what to do and feel at the end of my rope. But I'm so glad to be reading that I am not the only one that has had problems with their birth control and has seemingly been swept aside by their Dr. Thanks ladies :)

  14. Thank you all for your comments .. Have been on BC for a v very
    Long time and have also been drugging with anxiety .. So just in the last 3 months I have noticed a connection withy anxiety and also mid cycle is the worse ... I so scared to come off BC as well arghhh !! Vicious circle !! But I junk after reading all your comments I will defenitely give it a go ..

  15. Hi all
    First of all my heart goes for all these women who experience bad "side effects" from coming off the BCP. I stopped taking the pill 2 months ago and I can say that it was the BEST decision that I have ever made in my life. I can say that I feel a lot better but I know how I can feel 100% myself and I am not quite there yet. After I stopped BC I suffered for 1 week from depression like I would question everything and got sad for every single aspect of my life for no reason, I got worried if my family dies, If my husband leaves me and after 1 week I wasn't thinking anymore any of this. then I realized it was because of Bc. So I went to check on the internet and I found so much information that what could have happened to you when you stop BC. I was not the lucky one. I had depression, loss of appetite, nausea, migraines, hot flashes, mood swings, I felt tired, sad, crying all the time. I got my first period right on time (thanks God the only good thing that happened) but it was very painful and I felt so down. after 2 weeks which corresponds with the ovulation I was experiencing anxiety( the most scaring thing, I didn't know what to call it, why I was feeling this way) I was feeling it in sleep, school train anywhere, then it stopped until I got my second period right in time again but no pain at all just moody. Now is the first week after period and I don't know if I am going to be feeling anxious again but I know for sure I feel 80% better from the first month. Girls do not ever think you are crazy, do not ever trust your doctors ( mine told me I might be depressed). Trust yourself and talk to someone. My husband was a good support for me. he made me feel I was not alone and that everything will pass. I did pass for me but 1 month ago I did not think the same. I feel much healthier and more energetic. I exercise take multivitamins and eat clean. that helped me a lot. Do not give up, I did so much research I had all the symptoms of hormonal imbalance like I was going through menopause. I used to be the person with so much energy and I always think positively ( before BC of course) now I feel myself coming out again and like I have reach the light in the end of the tunnel. I could not believe I did this to myself, I am such a caring person and I did not think twice when I started BC. God protected me. I am so happy that I am not taking it. I hope I am giving some hope to ladies going through this, its a nightmare but just be patients and avoid stress as much as you can, sleep in a regular schedule and eat healthy organic food!! there is a light in the end of the tunnel just trust yourself how you used to be, you will get back to normal. I did and I am still waiting to recover 100%... thanks for sharing your experiences too

  16. Thanks to Dr.AGBAZARA for hearing and responding to my work for my marriage to be restored and perfected by His great power. I await His perfect timing to reveal His great works. I have been told to ‘Expect my Joy’ and I do! today my Husband came back to me with the power of Dr.AGBAZARA SPELL TEMPLE. Here is he's email address if you are having problems in your relationship or marriage:
    OR call +2348104102662

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. These are all such wonderful stories and I have a similar one. I was on birth control for 3 years and suffered from anxiety for about 2. My anxiety symptoms were recently getting worse and worse until they became fairly regular panic attacks. Full blown panic attacks. The only medication I was on was the birth control so I thought it could be that. I went to my doctor and voiced my concerns. She told me that it was most likely not the birth control causing the anxiety since I was on such a low dose. She prescribed me Xanex and told me if the panic attacks continue I will have to switch to a medication that I take daily. I used the Xanex when I had the full blown panic attacks and tried many other natural methods from relaxing candles to therapy. But none of it worked. I then ran into an old friend who told me her story of how she got off her birth control because she realized it was making her feel crazy and that she could not control her emotions. After that I knew it was the birth control causing my anxiety and I had to get off of it. On December 1st I took my last pill. The anxiety continued for awhile, and honestly, it got worse before it got better. There was a week about month after I stopped taking the pill that I had panic attacks every day which was more than usual. I had my doubts that it was actually the birth control causing my anxiety, but I stuck it out. Eventually, symptoms let up. I became better and better and felt more like myself again. It's now April and I haven't felt anxious in almost 3 weeks! I did however breakout pretty badly in my chin area which is a sign of a hormonal imbalance and that is still clearing up. It does take time and patients while your body is balancing itself and its hormones back out. To assist my body with this change I made sure I took a multivitam everyday, I took B vitamins, I bought Yogi's tea called Women's Energy that is supposed to aid in balancing out hormones, I took a proboitic every night before bed, and I did a juice cleanse to help rid myself of the toxins in my body. It takes time and everybody is different but hang in there in will get better!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.


  21. Be careful here nobody can help you here or even suggest how you can get your ex or love back,any testimonies of most spell caster here must be ignore.because most of them are scam i mean real scam which i was a victim and i got ripped of thousands of dollars because i was so anxious to get my wife back after she left me for over 2 years with my 7 years old son jerry,i have applied to 7 different spell caster here and all to no avail they all ask for same thing send your name your ex name address and picture phone number etc which i did over and over again and most of them were from west Africa until i saw a post about mama Anita spell and i decided to gave her my last trail.she ask me four things my real name,my ex and my ex mother name and $180 and said my ex will come back in 24hours, i have paid over $3000 on spell casting and courier and nothing have work for me after 3 days i was thinking about how much i have lost so far so i said let me give her a try so i called her again and send my real name,my ex and my ex mother name and the $180 because i swear it was my last try so i was waiting as she told me to wait till next day and i could not sleep that night because i really love my wife and want her back at 9pm that day i saw my wife on line on face book and she said hi at first i was shock because she never talk with me for the past a year and 9 month now i did not reply again she said are you there? i quickly reply yes and she said can we see tomorrow i said yes and she went off-line i was confused i try to chat her again but she was no more on line i could not sleep that night as i was wondering what she is going to say, by 7.am the next morning she gave me a miss call i decided not to call back as i was still on shock again she call and i pick she said can we see after work today i said yes so she end the call immediately i got off work she call me and we meet and now we are back again i call mama anita the next day thanking her for what she has done in fact i still call her and thank her as my life was not complete without my wife please be careful here i have been scam thousands of dollars if you want a true love spell then contact mama Anita (mama.anitatruelovespell@gmail.com)

  22. I had my daughter when I was 19 years old. I tried the norplant and that was awful so I switched to bc about a year later. I remember the day I first started having anxiety. I went to the doctor and they told me it was anxiety. My husband at that time was awful to me and treated me horribly so I blamed it on that. I had heart palpitations and some anxiety through out my marriage but it was after I divorced him I had a full blown panic attack. My doctor then told me it was just from all the stress he put me through. My daughter is now 22 years old, I am still on the pill and still suffer anxiety. I read many places that anxiety is worse when you get off the pill so I have been terrified to get off of them. (not to mention I would need to find another form of bc) My doctor told me when I turned 40 I should consider getting off of them but I went to see a gyno and she said no I could stay on them through menopause and they would help. I am just so tired of the anxious feeling all the time. Well now my daughter has started having the same feelings and she is on the pill as well. So I started looking into it. I did notice the last couple of months that the weeks I'm not taking the pill (my period week) that I feel better. Even though I'm actually on my period that week I don't feel as worried for some reason. Now I read these and am really wondering if this anxiety is from the pill. If it is, I am going to be pissed off that the last 21 years have been anxiety ridden because of this pill! I'm afraid to just quit cold turkey. But you can't "wein" yourself off can you? Any ideas on the easiest way to get off of them? What kind of doctor will test hormones? My doctor told me I had to be off the pill for 30 days before they could test them? Is that true? I appreciate any advice or ideas :)

  23. What a story!!! I'm so glad I stumbled onto your page! I've suffered from anxiety and panic attacks since a young age. I've been on anti-depressants and birth control for over 10 years! Never once did I, or my doctors (and I've seen plenty of them!) made the connection of artificial hormones and panic attacks!! There was a short time in my life (16-18 years old, when I first started my period, I was a late bloomer) that I felt on top of the world. No anxiety, I traveled to France, I was virtually panic attack free. (It makes me smile to remember that time.) Shortly after that, I started the SSRI Zoloft and Birth Control because I was becoming sexually active. Ever since then my panic attacks escalated. I recently made the choice to get off my birth control because of a healthier lifestyle. Ironically searching the internet for bad side affects of coming off the pill, I realized how great my life might become from ditching it!! I just finished my last pack of pills. I will let you know how it turns out!! Wish me luck! ;)

  24. I'm so glad to have found your post!

    Recently, I have been diagnosed with PCOS and was put on birth control. Although I've had anxiety issues in the past, it was never to the point where it would come out of nowhere without any triggers. Well, one week into the pill, I would wake up in the middle of the night in cold sweats and heart racing. My mind was super erratic and would have racing thoughts all through the night. During the day, all would be peachy and out of nowhere I'd feel the panic. Then, I suddenly would find myself depressed and worried. I called my doctor, and of course was told it was all in my head. I find it frustrating that doctors just shrug you off and are so quick to write up a prescription. I'm sure birth control works for many and there are those that reap their benefits with little or no side effects. But I certainly believe we are our own advocates and we know our bodies best. If something just does not feel right, no doctor should force you to stay on something that is simply not working. Needless to say, I got off the pill, (threw it in the trash, although i wanted to burn those suckers), and am now on the path to making lifestyle changes to overcome my PCOS the NATURAL way. Although I am certainly not saying all birth control is bad for all women, I'd reason that any sort of synthetic hormone you are pumping into your system indefinitely has got to come with some sort of consequences in the long run.

  25. After being in relationship with emma for seven years,he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should rather contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that never believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I mailed the spell caster, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem and who is different from all the fake ones out there. Anybody could need the help of the spell caster, his email: drinegbedionspellhome@gmail.com you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or anything. CAN NEVER STOP TALKING ABOUT YOU SIR HIS EMAIL

  26. I can completely relate with your experience being told to just deal with it if I want to keep the life I have. I have ovarian cysts, and I guess birth control is the *only medication* for this *disease.* It's messed up, who is supposed to be researching vaginas and why aren't they doing it? I have tried two different birth control pills - the first one gave me anxiety and panic attacks that escalated to a point of such psychological distress that I snapped, howling, freaking-out, incoherent sobbing, shaking, nearly throwing myself out of a moving vehicle SNAPPED, and I still haven't fully recovered. Most terrifying thing I have ever experienced came from inside my brain on the pill. The second pill gives me less anxiety, but on it I experience sudden and uncontrollable fits of rage. No good for my mental health, my relationship, my job. I am a stable, happy, rational, even *optimistic* person (with no problems in the bedroom) the day I forget a pill. I know it's supposed to take time for your body to adjust, but within five hours, even, I notice I feel happy. What happened? Oh, I missed a pill! Of course. I told a nurse practitioner the last time I went to the hospital that I need to go off birth control. Her response: "Have you tried a different dosage? The non-estrogen pills are not subduing your cysts. You'll have to go back on estrogen. There are so many different kinds of pill, you only need to try a different pill for three or four months to get adjusted." WHO AM I SUPPOSED TO BE IN THOSE MONTHS?! I told her, you are prescribing me suicide. I need to find a doctor who can treat my *cysts,* not chemically alter my brain, natural cycle, and hormones trying to "stab at" the real problem. It's not fair to me, it's not fair to my SO, it's not fair to my family. The pill is hurting me. It's hurting me. Why am I being guilted into doing something that is hurting my health, my body, my life?

    1. I want to hug you, this is how I feel too. :'( I have Endometriosis, I feel there is just no winning.

  27. Hi,
    I have suffered with anxiety for quite a while and have been on birth control for about 9-10 months.. it has only worsened. I went on to help with acne but that hasn't been going as well as it has before either. I just want to be able to restore my mental health and I'm not sure how to approach that. Help?!

  28. Hi! I just wanted to say thank you for posting this. I have never really had anxiety before. But over the summer I had a couple moments here and there of anxiety but not daily or major.

    In October, I switched from one of the really high estrogen pills (ogestrol which I had been on for about a year) to a lower estrogen pill (Low-ogestrel). Ever since my anxiety has been pretty much daily and also I started having intense panic attacks. I don't know if my pill switch "caused" it (since I was having some anxiety before) and I was reading online that it's more of an INCREASE in estrogen that would potentially cause it (and my new pill is lower in estrogen) but that is something I hadn't thought of before so I'm glad I came across this. So now I will think about what to do next.

  29. This thread has been overrun by spambots, but I'll add my experience real quick, too just in case it helps somebody else like you have helped me not feel so crazy.

    I've tried birth control twice, 2 completely different forms, ortho tri cycline and then loestra. Both were horrible. I was on the ortho for 6 months and I feel like I cried for 6 straight months, and then some after I stopped. It took months to normalize. This last try with the loestra I had anxiety attacks and had never had them before. I became terrified for no reason. I'd start getting ready to head to the grocery store and I'd become petrified, I couldn't do anything, heart racing, mind basically blank, I felt like a cornered animal. Nothing was happening. I was in my living room with a 1 year old. Not particularly scary stuff.

    After this happened for several straight weeks I stopped taking the pills and it never happened again. So, no more birth control for me. I see a NP and she's the one who prescribed it. She thankfully didn't argue with me or think I was being ridiculous, but several other people- family members and I suspect my therapist- don't believe there was any connection. The connection is so obvious. It's not all in your head or coincidence.

  30. Another great post. I will be sharing this one! And, I commented on another post of yours a few minutes ago mentioning that our experiences were almost exact. I suppose this would be where we differ. I am not on birth control but still have anxiety issues. I have a lot of reasons why I don't take it, but this is just another good reason to add! I am a big proponent of NFP. It has worked so well for us for years. No chemical side effects :)

    Anyway, just wanted to say thank you again for another great post on the topic!

  31. Hi I've been taking birth control pills for about a year now. I never really thought about the timing before, but about a year ago, I started getting all these weird symptoms. Chest hurt, anxiety, feet hurting, heart pounding and racing all the time, and nausea. A couple months ago I went to the mini clinic because I had a sinus infection and she took my pulse and it was 140. My pulse was always in 80 before I went on birth control. My doctor sent me the urgent care clinic and they said my thyroid t3 levels were low. Some I'm guessing it's messing up my thyroid? I'm in the middle of my bc pack and as soon as I finish it, I'm done taking these pills even if my cysts come back

  32. Hi, I found this article really interesting. I have been suffering anxiety heavily for the past year now but have had it for most of my life on and off. I am 17 years old and haven't had any support with how to deal with anxiety as in England the help is very hit and miss. More recently, I have discovered my panic attacks are worse and more common around the time of my period. Reading articles on the internet, they have advised to start birth control to completely irradiate menstruation however posts like this do scare me! Anyone else on the same boat as me?

  33. I've been on the cerelle also know as the mini pill for just under two weeks. I know this isn't a long time at all but I'm considering coming off it. When I first started it I was okay, then all of a sudden I got terrible anxiety attacks and would be calling my boyfriend in tears begging him not to leave me. I've never suffered from anxiety before so this scared me a lot. The anxiety is slowly turning into depression. As someone who has suffered from depression before, I know the symptoms and I know when I can feel myself going back to that rut. Im constantly anxious and feel like it's ruining my happiness and effecting my relationship. The pill is also making me lose my appetite, become more of an insomniac than I was and killing my sex drive. Has anyone else experienced this? Is it time to come off the pill?! How long after stopping taking the pill do you think the symptoms will subside and I'll be back to normal?

  34. My name is Sandra Jason From USA I want to say I am the happiest person on earth today because My five years run away lover came back to me on his knees with tears on his eye begging me to forgive him and accept him back, DR AKERECO a great Spell caster made this possible with the help of a spell. i saw his email drakerecospellcaster@gmail.com on the internet where a girl post on how DR AKERECO helped her so i decided to contact him and he told me that everything will be fine and now i am happy because DR AKERECO is a man of his word because everything went well as he promised me. Are you have misunderstanding with your lover, You need lottery spell, pregnant spell, or is your lover seeing someone else? what is your problem that you wish to solve? contact DR AKERECO his website is drakerecospellcaster.webs.com today drakerecospellcaster@gmail.com and everything will be fine

  35. I am so happy I clicked on your site! So when I became sexually active I started taking birth control (which was 7 years ago) I was on ortho-cytriclyn-lo then switched to sprinter cause it was free with my insurance. I have always been a worrier and a anxious person but my first panic attack was intense. It happened about 3 months after my boyfriend of 5 years broke up with me without any closure. I got a phone call and a photo of him and his new g/f right after Halloween of 2012. I couldn't believe he had already moved on and replaced me! It made me super upset and during a game of playing cards with my grandma and aunt at 10pm drinking a hot tea I just had a panic attack. I had almost blacked out or at least thought I was going to- weak knees, lightheaded, sweaty, couldn't breathe, chest was tight. It was BAD. I freaked out my 73 year old grandma. Ever since then I have had panic attacks on and off. They are so bad now that I cry for no reason and have to run out to my car if I'm out or in bed bed if Im home. Anyway I was still on birth control after the break. In 2013 I was off of it for about 2 months. I can't remember why to be honest but I started dating my husband then and he said it was because I didn't go to my OBGYN for check ups to get the new pills- which made sense. I then started to feel calm... I was level and happy again because I had started a new relationship with someone who loved me in general. About a year later... My husband was asking me to get off the pill. He and I had talked about having a baby so much that it makes sense right?! But, I was too scared to get pregnant and go through pregnancy. I still am today which is why Im about to get into the serious part of my story.. I was taking it irregular behind his back pretty much half of 2014 and all of 2015 :/ He is smart and knew from me getting my period onetime but I still took 1 pill then I would forget the next day and take 2 that following day. Some days I would take 3 pills in a day 2 in morning when I forgot and 1 that night to get back on track. I am so anxious all the time now, I sweat, I get nervous and I get scared to leave the house. I have been feeling like a dark cloud of fog is over my head. Is this because of the birth control? I keep dwelling on it everyday of my life! I went to my reg doc 3 months ago and he prescribed me on Lexapro which is an SSRI- he said I have a chemical imbalance. Ugh, I don't now if I should take the SSRI because I don't want to rely on anti-depressants. I am also scared of what it will do and how I will feel, they said your anxiety worsens at first. So I have been out of work since last Sunday 8 days today. I feel like I need to quit, my 3 year anniversary is in May and I honestly don't want to but it really stressful due to always being short staffed and having crappy residents complain all day. I am a leasing agent for an apartment complex I actually live in. Can anyone relate to my story???

  36. I was on bcp for most of my life because of PCOS. The last major pill I was on was Yaz. For a year, it was great. I slept well, had clear skin, and a very light period. However, I was tired a lot and felt foggy headed at times. Nothing crazy. Then my insurance wouldn't cover Yaz, so I switched to the generics, Gianvi and Loryna. All hell broke loose on those! I was anxious all the time! I would get nervous shopping in the store, watching tv at home, you name it, I got nervous about it. I went to a doctor for help, and he refused to believe it was the switch from the namebrand to the generic, but I believe it was. I switched to Desogen after that and felt sad every day at four clock, and now I'm off the pill for good, but get crazy anxiety around my time of ovulation and the week before I get my period. I'm considering trying a different pill, but am nervous it will be bad again. I used to be on Trivora, but it made my hair thin...not sure what I'll try next, but there is a link between estrogen and anxiety. I think if I try a pill with slightly higher levels of anxiety that release more consistency throughout the day I'll be better, so I might ask my doctor about the patch.

    1. I meant slightly higher levels of estrogen!

  37. I got my ex to my arms completely through the help of a great spell caster in Africa. My boyfriend left me for many months and it cause so much pain to my heart but after I went through Dr.Kwale profile I found out he can help me and then i contacted him on his email kwaletemple@gmail.com and he made my boyfriend to come back to my arms within just 2 days..

  38. I’ve had a couple of readings with Dr. Todd and he amazes me every time. The very first one I had was last year and I was really nervous but Todd called at the exact time as the appt down to the minute and he was just so friendly. He picked up right away what was going on in my life without me asking a single question. He picked up initials of the people involved!! I’ve never had anyone do that before and I’ve been to my share of psychics! manifestspellcast@gmail.com doesn’t just tell you what you want to hear, he tells you the truth!! I was very amazed with his accuracy!! When I got off the phone my hands were shaking because I was in shock! My first experience was so well that I came back to Dr. Todd again for another reading recently when things in my life weren’t so well! He once again picked up on things so well and described the people and situation! He’s going to help me get my life back the way I want. I really trust him and his spirits! I know it’s real and I know I’ll be back to leave another testimonial on his wonderful work and to tell you all my happy results because I know I’ll have them.

  39. I know that this post is old, but I wanted to share my experience. Reading through these other girls stories has helped me out a lot. I was on birth control for about 6 years. When I first started birth control I switched around a lot to different brands. I don't remember how long I was on the birth control before I started having anxiety but I want to say it was a good few months. One day I woke up and felt like I could not control my emotions. I felt like I was going crazy. I had stress in my life before, but this was completely different. For weeks on end I would cry to my mom and boyfriend and would not sleep at night. I would talk to my friends, family, and boyfriend about my anxiety and the possible causes of it. When my anxiety started I did just start a new semester of college, which made me think that was what was causing it. But I have been in college for 3 years at that time and never had anxiety before. The only other changes in my life at that time was starting birth control.

    I then decided to talk to my OBGYN about the possible connection between birth control and anxiety. She recommended that I switch to a different brand and put me on Ocella, which is the generic version of Yasmin. After starting it, I felt like my anxiety went away, but only for a brief time. But I decided to stick it out because I was scared I was going to get pregnant. For years I went on with this underlying anxiety. I didn't have constant panic attacks like I did at the beginning but they did come back with a vengeance when ever something stressful happened in my life.

    After reading countless stories of other women experiencing the same thing as me, I decided to stop taking the pill. I talked to my boyfriend about it first, and although he was nervous about me getting off of it, he agreed that it was for the best.

    So far I have been off of the pill for 3 weeks. For a few weeks in between I was feeling pretty good. But when I started my period my anxiety came back with it. I know it might take some time for my body to adjust but I just want to feel like my old self again. I miss being happy and not stressing about little things in life. I will update how I feel overtime. Thanks to everyone who shared their story, it really opened my eyes and will hopefully help me in the future.

    1. Hi! I feel the same way as you do. I was on Birth control for about 8 months and it gave me depression and anxiety. I was so worried because I didn't know what was wrong with me and I tried to blame my anxiety to something else. I stopped about 3 weeks ago and I been feeling a little better bt sometimes I feel like I get anxiety. I know it will take some time. hope you are doing good and your anxiety has disappeared.

  40. sad to see all these girls go through this but happy to know I'm not the only one. I was put on Birthcontol in 2015 because of my heavy periods I actually stopped the Birth Control after a few months because it made my period worst. in October of 2016 I got put on a Birth Control called Luetra and I noticed some side effects bt I kept taking it because I thought my body was going to regulare sooner than letter. by May of 2017 I was always feeling anxious and felt into a deep depression. worst thing I had to go through. everything was hurting and I just didn't feel myself. I hated work and I tried to avoif hangoing out with friends and family all I wanted to do was stay home and sleep, because sleeping made me feel normal. I went to see my doctor and she right away wanted to give me antidepressants but I decided not to because of the affects it could bring to my body. I kept telling her I thought it was the Birth Control and she kept trying to talk me out of it. I decided to go home and flush down that damn pill that has been making me so miserable. I flushed it down and I didn't take it anymore. I been off the pill for almost 3 weeks and I can say I still have anxiety and mood swings but not how I did before. I know it takes some time. please girls if you have any syptoms of anxiety or depression and you think its your birth control PLEASE stop taking it. you know your own body, your doctor doesn't know your body.

  41. Hi I found this article while researching BC and anxiety. Although I could say that I can worry from time to time, since beginning Loryna I have become very anxious to the point that it interferes with my day. The logical part of my mind even recognizes that the thoughts I'm having projections of fear but I almost can't stop myself. It is driving me crazy.

  42. Thank you for your post. I am very new to birth control, I’m mon my 4th day so far. I’ve struggled with severe anxiety my entire life. And before taking birth control, I was at a really good place in my life. I was starting to be ohkay again. Not having many anxiety attacks. My last anxiety attack before yesterday was about a month ago. And I know I don’t have the experience of birth control like the vast majority of you women do. I can honestly say, I’ve cried every single day since being on the pill, I’ve been very emotional. And I had a severe anxiety attack last night while I was driving home. Why the pill may be beneficial to many women in many different ways. It’s made my anxiety very esquilated. I plan to quit taking the pill because I can’t live life like this . Crying over the smallest things. And having panic attacks while I drive. That was the scariest thing that’s ever happened because it came out of no where like a humongous wave of fear and crying and shaking. This pill may work for some women but for me and my anxiety it’s no help and I won’t be taking this any longer. It’s only been 4 days. But it’s been 4 days of hell.

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  51. There are a few clear explanations. First, not enough study has been done on how hormonal birth control affects the mind and the heart. Second, the research that has been conducted has shown contradictory findingsTrusted Source. (Again, this is likely because hormonal contraception's effects varied from person to person.) And third: All of the above, plus differing research methods, has meant it's impossible to show cause and effect. In other words, scientists are unsure at this time. It will probably stay that way until additional research is done.
