
This Month, So Far

Alright so I understand that I have been a little remiss in my blogging this past month, but trust me, this will all make sense very soon. (Does that sound cryptic? Gooooooood. Muahahahah.) Anyway, it's been sort of a busy and bustling month and I thought that I would take a moment to fill everyone in on what has been going on. 

First of all, a chicken update because it's been a while since I have given one of those. I hate to say this, which is maybe why I haven't updated you guys, but TWO--count them two!--of our Amrocks simply disappeared in the beginning of this month. I know. It was sort of sad, but also sort of not sad. The thing is that neither of them were laying eggs, so they were kind of a big drain on our feed situation....eek. I'm sorry. 

One of the smartest Amrocks is still with us and I swear it's because she is faster than a roadrunner. She cannot be caught by anything. The other hens are doing well, although my husband has been in an epic battle to keep them from sleeping in the nesting boxes...why the heck are they doing that? I don't know. If you know, please let me know. 

My canners and I reached a milestone when we held our first canning sale! That actually happened in late September, but, eh, close enough. It was a success and we were pretty proud of ourselves that we broke even this year! We are getting back into the kitchen realllllly soon to start experimenting with wine jellies and mustards! So be on the look out for some awesome posts from me and my favorite canners. 

Also in the past couple of weeks, I attended my grandmother's memorial service. My grandmother had been sick and she passed away in late July. We all went to Buffalo to give her a final farewell. It was sad, but the highlight of my weekend was seeing ALL of my cousins on my mother's side. We had not been together in TEN YEARS! And talk about LOUD! These gals gave me a run for my money in the talking department. It was glorious. And loud. And also: aren't we a good looking group?! 

The past couple of weeks have been all about getting back to normal in life. My work at the paper is ended for the season and I'm adjusting to being at home more [again]. I'm also back into my "Fall/Winter" routine of going to free writes and readings with the Rehoboth Beach Writer's Guild. And I'm testing recipes. And thinking about testing recipes. And making a ton of soups!!! And catching up on sleep. So expect some more recipes coming to you soon and lots of other goodies in the next couple of weeks! 

Oh, AND, I broke out my favorite fall scarf. 

So tell me, what are you up to this fall????? 

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